Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Scientists discover gender difference in pain transmission

A new mouse study has demonstrated that different immune cells in male and female mice are responsible for the transmission of pain, contrary to longstanding theories on pain. Could there be separate pain medication in the future for men and women? Researchers have discovered gender differences in rodent pain transmission. These findings may have implications for future treatment of chronic pain - the most prevalent human health condition - implying that different strategies could be required for treating men and women. The study is published in Nature Neuroscience and was conducted by researchers from McGill University, Duke University and The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). Previously, researchers had held that pain is transmitted from sites of injury or inflammation through the immune system by a cell called microglia, with a large and gradually increasing body of evidence supporting this theory. In the US, chronic pain is incredibly prevalent. About Pristiq (Desvenlafaxine) According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1 in every 4 Americans has experienced chronic pain, with pain affecting more Americans than diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer combined. "Research has demonstrated that men and women have different sensitivity to pain and that more women suffer from chronic pain than men, but the assumption has always been that the wiring of how pain is processed is the same in both sexes," says co-senior author Dr. Buy Flonase (Fluticasone Nasal) with free Rx Jeffrey Mogil of McGill University. The assumption was backed by research, but this research was subject to one particular weakness - namely the gender of the mice used in previous studies. "For the past 15 years scientists have thought that microglia controlled the volume knob on pain, but this conclusion was based on research using almost exclusively male mice," Dr. Buy Isoptin (Verapamil) with free prescription Mogil explains. In the new study, the researchers investigated the possibility that observed differences in pain sensitization between male and female rodents could be because microglia may not be required for pain processing in female mice. Findings highlight the importance of inclusive research practices The researchers found that interfering with microglia function in a variety different ways served to block pain in male mice but not female mice. About Biocef without prescription Instead, the researchers discovered that another type of immune cell - T cells - were likely to be responsible for pain transmission, although the researchers are still to discover precisely how. "The realization that the biological basis for pain between men and women could be so fundamentally different raises important research and ethical questions if we want to reduce suffering," states Dr. About Lithobid (Lithium) with no prescription Mogil. Dr. Buy Fat Blockers online Michael Salter, Head and Senior Scientist of Neuroscience & Mental Health at SickKids, says that the findings indicate there are significant questions to be asked concerning human pain drug development, on account of mice having similar nervous systems to humans. "Understanding the pathways of pain and sex differences is absolutely essential as we design the next generation of more sophisticated, targeted pain medications," he states. As well as affecting how the next generation of medication for chronic pain is developed, these findings could also influence future biomedical studies conducted using mice. http://webmdhelp.wordpress.com The results indicate that male mice are unsuitable to be used as proxies for female mice. This discovery comes while increased attention is being paid to the gender of animals and cells used in preclinical research. Recently, the NIH introduced a policy that makes the use of female animals and cells in such research mandatory in the US, following the lead of other countries such as Canada. "This finding is a perfect example of why this policy, and very carefully designed research, is essential if the benefits of basic science are to serve everyone," says Dr. Mogil. Recently, Medical News Today reported on a study that demonstrated a link between inflammation caused by chronic nerve pain and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Written by James McIntosh

Monday, June 29, 2015

'Fracture risk' from SSRI antidepressants used for menopause

. Buy Minocin (Minocycline hydrochloride) with free prescription Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - a class of antidepressant drug used to reduce symptoms of the menopause - may increase the risk of bone fractures, according to new research. Some antidepressants are licensed to ease menopausal symptoms. The researchers publishing in a journal from The BMJ, Injury Prevention, scoured the PharMetrics Claims Database containing detailed information about 61 million patients in more than 98 managed care plans in the US. The results showed that the heightened fracture risk seems to last for several years. Buy Dong Quai online Buy Noroxin (Norfloxacin) with free prescription Compared with women treated with indigestion drugs: The fracture rate was 76% higher among those prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) 1 year after starting treatment 73% higher after 2 years of treatment 67% higher after 5 years. The results have prompted the researchers to suggest that shorter treatment length may be preferable. http://webmdconsult.wordpress.com Isordil Sublingual (Isosorbide Dinitrate) SSRIs have become the third most frequently prescribed class of drug in the US, the researchers say. About Lipitor (Atorvastatin) The agents are often prescribed for nonpsychiatric disorders. They are used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for hot flashes and night sweats typically associated with the menopause. Large study population For the study, the authors concentrated on the 137,031 women with no mental health issues and aged between 40 and 64 who started treatment with SSRIs between 1998 and 2010. These women were compared with 236,294 in the same age group over the same period but prescribed H2 antagonists or proton pump inhibitors, typically for indigestion. The SSRI drugs included citalopram, hyrdrobromide, escitalopram oxalate, fluoxetine hyrdrochloride, fluvoxamine maleate, paroxetine hydrochloride and sertraline hydrochloride. Paroxetine is used in menopause at around a third of the dose used for psychiatric disorders, for the vasomotor menopausal symptoms above. About Beconase without Rx It has a license for this indication from the US drug regulator. The authors conclude: "SSRIs appear to increase fracture risk among middle-aged women without psychiatric disorders, an effect sustained over time, suggesting that shorter duration of treatment may decrease [this]." The authors discuss reasons for the increased risk, saying the finding is consistent with a biological hypothesis that fractures associated with SSRI use can be "at least partially attributed to antidepressant-related modulation of bone homeostasis in favor of osteoclastic activity." In other words, antidepressants may alter bone turnover, shifting the balance from bone-strengthening to bone-thinning. This may result in "lower bone mineral density and higher risks of fractures." Written by Markus MacGill

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Scientists use 'arousometer' to measure what turns off women most

Scientists have taken the first biological measure of sexual arousal in women experiencing disgust, and found that feelings of disgust are a bigger turn-off than feelings of fear. The "arousometer" was a vaginal photoplethysmograph - a clear acrylic tampon-shaped device to measure genital blood flow. Using a device inserted into women to measure genital blood flow as a gauge of sexual arousal, Diana Fleischman, PhD, an evolutionary psychologist at the UK s University of Portsmouth, investigated 76 heterosexual women aged between 18 and 42 years. The findings, which also measured the women s self-reported feelings, are published in the online journal PLOS One. Dr. About Lozol Sr (Indapamide) with free Rx Fleischman says: "Sex includes increased contact with body odors and fluids which, in other contexts, strongly suggest disease and would elicit disgust. "Women are more vulnerable to contracting diseases through sex than men and show worse outcomes once infected, so we should expect that women will be especially turned off when they are disgusted." One group of women in the study were shown disgusting images before watching an erotic film. Buy Lotensin (Benazepril) without Rx The second group watched an erotic film and were then shown disgusting images. The third group were shown frightening images before watching an erotic film. Buy Panadol (Paracetamol) without Rx And the fourth watched an erotic film and were then shown frightening images. Images used to elicit disgust in the women included diseased or injured humans and human corpses, feces and people vomiting. Buy Avandaryl with no prescription The images designed to elicit fear included violent people, dangerous animals, weapons, heights, tornados and fire. The erotic films were intended to be sexually appealing specifically to women and were produced and directed by women. Before the experiments, all the women were asked to insert a vaginal photoplethysmograph - a clear acrylic tampon-shaped device that measures blood flow to the vagina as an indication of sexual arousal. Buy Paxil (Paroxetine) without prescription They were also asked to report their own degree of arousal, disgust and fear after their tests. Women exposed to disgusting images before watching an erotic film were three times less sexually aroused than those who had seen frightening images or those in the control group. Overcoming disgust to have sex Dr. Buy Creatine Supplements online Fleischman says: "It makes sense that sexual arousal and disgust would affect one another. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com Sexual arousal motivates us toward closeness with others and their bodies while disgust motivates us away." He adds: "Given these competing motivations, every one of our ancestors had to overcome disgust in order to have sexual contact and reproduce." The researchers found that previous evidence was mixed on the question of whether sexual arousal decreases feeling of disgust in women. A consistent difference has been found between men and women: men are less sensitive to disgust when it comes to sex. "Previous studies have found that men and women who are exposed to sexually explicit images report less disgust," Dr. Fleischman explains. "However, our study is the first to measure blood flow to the genitals, which is necessary for sexual arousal, and how it interacts with disgust." The research found that women who are not very sensitive to feelings of disgust reduce their sensitivity further when sexually aroused. By contrast, women who are highly disgust-sensitive show greater disgust when they are sexually aroused. Dr Fleischman says: "When we are deciding whether to have sex, there are trade-offs to consider. On the one hand you must have sex to reproduce, and on the other hand sexual encounters are risky for disease transmission. "What our results suggest is that the story is more complicated for women and that women differ in how sexual arousal changes their disgust response." Written by Markus MacGill

Saturday, June 27, 2015

New drug delivery system may open up treatments for polycystic kidney disease

Researchers who found a way to reach the growth factors that promote cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease, suggest it opens the possibility for repurposing a large number of existing drugs to treat the genetic disorder. A normal kidney is about the size of a fist - a polycystic kidney can grow to the size of an American football.Image credit: Indiana University School of Medicine Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the world s most common inherited kidney disease, affecting around 12 million people. About Isordil (Isosorbide Dinitrate) without prescription It has no known cure. In PKD, fluid-filled, benign cysts develop and grow in the kidneys. Nimotop (Nimodipine) with no Rx As they accumulate more fluid, the cysts get bigger and bigger and destroy healthy tissue. Buy Floxin (Ofloxacin) with no Rx Eventually, this leads to kidney failure, high blood pressure, and other complications. The new study, from the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), involves the use of therapeutic antibodies. About Asacol without prescription These biologic therapies are already used extensively to treat diseases ranging from cancer to autoimmune disorders. Biologic therapies normally use a class of antibody called immunoglobulin-G (IgG) to bind to and prevent the activity of specific proteins or growth factors. But in PKD, the growth factors that drive cyst growth are locked inside the fluid-filled lumen - the central cavity of the cyst - which IgG antibodies cannot enter. The UCSB researchers - led by Thomas Weimbs, a professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology - found that another class of antibodies called immunoglobulin-A (IgA), were able to penetrate the cyst wall and enter the lumen. Study shows IgA can enter PKD cysts and stay there Three pieces of information came together to spur the discovery made in the study. About Protonix (Pantoprazole) without Rx They arose in earlier work and observations by Prof. Buy Citrulline online Weimbs, who has been working on PKD for 10 years. The first piece of information concerned how IgA could cross a cell layer by binding to polymeric immunoglobulin receptors (pIgR). http://asthmareview.wordpress.com The second, was that a transcription factor called STAT6 appears to be overactive in PKD. And the third, was that Prof. Weimbs remembered that STAT6 had been shown to switch on the expression of pIgRs in other organs. Prof. Weimbs says the "aha" moment came when he brought the three pieces of information together: "I thought if STAT6 is highly active in polycystic kidneys, maybe it also expresses a lot of pIgR - and that turned out to be the case. So we tested this in mouse models and in human polycystic kidney tissues, and, in both cases, high levels of pIgR were expressed in kidney cysts." When they injected IgA into mice with polycystic kidneys, the team found around 7% of the injected IgA stayed inside the cyst lumens. Prof. Weimbs says this suggests some IgA gets taken into the cysts - and because there is no way for it to exit - it remains trapped: "So we end up with a way of exploiting the pIgR system for targeting these antibodies specifically to the polycystic kidney." A key step remains to be tested before the possibility that the method opens up new treatment avenues for PKD becomes a likelihood - and that is to find a way to reformat IgG antibodies into IgA types so they can enter the cyst using the pIgR system and target the growth factors. Should this step be successful, then, according to Prof. Weimbs: "Our strategy allows for the repurposing of thousands of existing monoclonal antibodies that have already been developed, which opens up a whole new class of therapeutics not previously used for PKD therapy." Meanwhile, Medical News Today has learned how another team, reporting in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, may also have developed a new way to treat PKD by targeting blood vessels surrounding cysts. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Friday, June 26, 2015

Experts call for dropping of total fat intake limits

Ahead of the publication of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, researchers have called for the US government to drop recommended restrictions on total fat consumption. The researchers state that healthful fats such as those found in nuts, vegetable oils and fish can protect against illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. The paper, published in JAMA is written by Dr. About Isordil (Isosorbide Dinitrate) without prescription Dariush Mozaffarian from the Friedman School of Nutritional Science & Policy at Tufts University and Dr. Nimotop (Nimodipine) with no Rx David Ludwig from the Boston Children s Hospital. In the paper, the researchers discuss one of the new recommendations made by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee (GDAC), an independent group of scientists tasked with reviewing existing scientific and medical research on nutrition. A lot of recent debate has centered around the GDAC s recommendations that a diet higher in plant-based foods is better for the environment than one based more on meat and that taxing sugary snacks and drinks could improve diets. Buy Floxin (Ofloxacin) with no Rx In their paper, however, the researchers focus on a recommendation that may be receiving less attention. For the first time since 1980, the technical report of the GDAC did not include a recommendation for the restriction of total fat consumption. About Asacol without prescription "We wanted the emphasis to be on fat quality rather than total fat, because the evidence really emphasizes that saturated fat is the driver of risk rather than total fat intake," says Barbara Millen, chair of the DGAC. Dr. About Protonix (Pantoprazole) without Rx Mozaffarian supports this, stating that placing limits on total fat intake has no basis and leads to poor decisions from both industry and consumers: "Modern evidence clearly shows that eating more foods rich in healthful fats like nuts, vegetable oils, and fish have protective effects, particularly for cardiovascular disease. Buy Citrulline online Other fat-rich foods, like whole milk and cheese, appear pretty neutral; while many low-fat foods, like low-fat deli meats, fat-free salad dressing, and baked potato chips, are no better and often even worse than full-fat alternatives. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com It s the food that matters, not its fat content." When the dietary guidelines began to recommend low-fat diets, the consumption of low-fat and non-fat products increased. These foods often contain refined grains and added sugars that are associated with increased metabolic dysfunction and obesity. "Lifting the restriction on total fat would clear the way for restaurants and industry to reformulate products containing more healthful fats and fewer refined grains and added sugars," says Dr. Ludwig. 2015 Dietary Guidelines For Americans: a critical opportunity Alongside dropping restrictions on total fat consumption from the dietary guidelines, Dr. Mozaffarian and Dr. Ludwig call for the limit on fat intake to be lifted by numerous government agencies and food programs. One such program is the National School Lunch program that recently banned whole milk from its menus while retaining sugar-sweetened non-fat milk. Other targets include the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who regulate food package labeling and issue diet advice to families and children respectively. "From agriculture to food producers to school cafeterias to restaurants, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans serve as a beacon for countless dietary choices in the public and private sector," states Dr. Mozaffarian. "With obesity and chronic disease impacting public health so deeply, we can t miss this critical opportunity to improve the food supply." Not everyone agrees with this viewpoint, however. Lisa Moskovitz, a registered dietitian, told Yahoo Health removing restrictions on total fat consumption might not automatically lead consumers to follow balanced, healthy diets. "If there are no guidelines on how much fat they should be eating, there is a chance that they will eat more fat and, as a result, consume less high-fiber, whole-grain carbohydrates and muscle-preserving lean proteins," she warns. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will refer to the DGAC report when drawing up the final 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are due to be published toward the end of the year. "The USDA and HHS must use the 2015 guidelines to send the message that limiting total fat provides no benefits and actually leads to confusion and bad dietary choices," Dr. Mozaffarian concludes. A research letter published in JAMA recently revealed that more than two-thirds of Americans are estimated to be either overweight or obese. Written by James McIntosh

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Almost half of Hispanics unaware they have high cholesterol, study finds

A new study of more than 16,000 Hispanic adults finds that almost half are unaware they have high cholesterol levels - a major risk factor for heart disease. Exelon (Rivastigimine) without Rx What is more, less than a third of those who are aware of their high cholesterol levels receive treatment. While around 45% of Hispanics have high cholesterol, almost half of them are unaware of it. Lead study author Dr. Buy Ponstel (Mefenamic Acid) with no Rx Carlos J. Tofranil (Imipramine) with no prescription Rodriguez, an associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston Salem, NC, and colleagues publish their findings in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, killing around 610,000 people every year. About Anti-Hist with free Rx Of these deaths, more than 20% occur among Hispanics. High cholesterol - specifically, high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol - is a primary risk factor for heart disease. Sildalist (Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg + Tadalafil 20 mg) without prescription According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with high LDL cholesterol are twice as likely to develop heart disease than those with low levels. For their study, Dr. Buy Chaste Berry online Rodriguez and colleagues set out to assess awareness and management of high cholesterol among the Hispanic population - an ethnic group they note is one of the fastest growing in the US, with more than 52 million currently living in the country. 45% of Hispanics have high cholesterol, but almost half are unaware The team analyzed data of 16,415 Hispanics aged 18-75 who were a part of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Around 45% of Hispanics are estimated to have high cholesterol levels, according to the researchers. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com They found that 49.3% of study participants with high cholesterol, however, did not know they were affected. Hispanics who were born in the US were more likely to be unaware of their high cholesterol levels than foreign-born Hispanics. However, awareness, treatment and control of high cholesterol increased the longer an individual had lived in the US. Obese Hispanics and those with diabetes or high blood pressure - all of which are risk factors for heart disease - were more likely to be aware of their high cholesterol levels than those without these conditions. Of participants who were aware of their high cholesterol, only 29.3% received treatment to lower it, the researchers found. Hispanic women were more likely than Hispanic men to have high cholesterol, though men were less likely than women to receive treatment for it. Younger Hispanics, women, those without health insurance, Hispanics with lower income and those with more recent US residency who were aware of their high cholesterol were least likely to have it under control. Findings indicate an unacceptable burden of risk Dr. Rodriguez notes that the lack of awareness, treatment and control of high cholesterol identified in this study is surprising. "That needs to change since awareness is the first step in prevention," he adds. Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, former president of the American Heart Association (AHA) and chief of cardiology at Northwestern University s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, IL, says these findings indicate that the AHA s goal to improve the heart health of all Americans by 2020 needs to broaden. He adds: "We cannot rest on our triumphs as nearly 50% of those Latino Americans with high cholesterol are unaware of the presence of this risk factor for heart disease and thus remain exposed to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. We should consider this as an unacceptable burden of risk and consider public health policies, community awareness and a redoubled focus on prevention in all communities at risk." In March, Medical News Today reported on a study revealing how a new cholesterol-lowering drug could halve the risk of heart attack and stroke. Written by Honor Whiteman

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Diaphragm birth control how safe and effective is it?

. Buy Calcium & Magnesium online A diaphragm is a shallow, dome-shaped rimmed cup that is placed in the vagina to cover the cervix, which blocks the uterine opening to prevent pregnancy.1,2 This method of birth control requires the use of spermicide to stop the sperm from moving and fertilizing an egg.1,2 Contents of this article: What is a diaphragm and is it effective? Is a diaphragm safe? What are the pros and cons of diaphragm use? Risks and side effects You will also see introductions at the end of some sections to any recent developments that have been covered by MNT s news stories. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com About Deltasone (Prednisolone) Also look out for links to information about related conditions. What is a diaphragm and is it effective? When used correctly and consistently, the rate of pregnancy with diaphragm use is 6 out of 100. About Savella (Milnacipran) However, when the diaphragm is not consistently used correctly and as directed, the rate of pregnancy doubles to 12 out of 100.1 Your health care provider can help you decide if a diaphragm is the right birth control option for you. In order for the diaphragm to be effective, it not only has to fit well but it also needs to be used correctly each time by covering the entire the cervix and used with spermicide.2 A diaphragm can be placed in the vagina approximately 1 hour prior to having sex and should remain in place for 6 hours; do not leave the diaphragm in the vagina for more than 24 hours.1,2 Additionally, your sex partner can use a condom or pull out prior to ejaculation to further decrease the risk of pregnancy.1 To get a good fit, your health care provider will examine and fit you for a diaphragm.2 Your health care provider will also issue you with instructions on how to use the diaphragm correctly; speak with them if you have difficulty with insertion and removal of the diaphragm so that an inserter can be provided to you.1 It is important to note that diaphragms do not provide protection from contracting sexually transmitted diseases; condoms will reduce this risk.1 Is a diaphragm safe? Diaphragms are usually safe to use, however, the following is a list of some conditions in which the use of a diaphragm may not be indicated and include:1 Women who are uncomfortable with having to touch their vagina and vulva Silicone or spermicide sensitivity Uterine and or vaginal abnormalities Difficulty with insertion of the diaphragm Women who have given birth within the last 6 weeks or recent abortion after the first trimester of pregnancy Frequent urinary tract infection History of toxic shock syndrome Poor vaginal muscle tone Recent surgery to the cervix. What are the pros and cons of diaphragm use? As with any form of birth control, the use of a diaphragm has benefits and disadvantages. Ortho Tri-Cyclen (Norgestimate / Ethinyl estradiol) with free prescription You will need to determine if the pros outweigh the cons when discussing with your health care provider if this method of birth control is best for you. Amentrel without prescription The diaphragm is a good choice for breastfeeding women because it does not rely on hormones and does not have any effect on breast milk production, unlike the combination pill. Benefits of using a diaphragm include:1 Safe to use during breastfeeding Easily carried in a pocket or purse No effect on hormone levels Immediate efficacy and reversal Can be inserted several hours prior to vaginal intercourse and is most often not felt by you or your partner. Disadvantages to the use of a diaphragm include:1 Difficulty with insertion Possibility for the diaphragm to be moved due to penis size, sexual position or heavy thrusting Diaphragm needs to be in place during every act of vaginal intercourse Diaphragm may need to be intermittently refitted. You may need to be refitted for a new diaphragm after a full term pregnancy, abdominal or pelvic surgery, miscarriage, abortion after 14 weeks or a weight change of 20%.1,2 Diaphragms should be replaced every 1 to 2 years.2 Risks and side effects Most often diaphragms do not pose a major health risk and serious problems rarely occur. About Symmetrel (Amantadine) with no Rx However, there are some side effects that women may experience with diaphragm use and include frequent urinary tract infections (UTI) and vaginal irritation.1 To prevent a UTI, it is recommended that urination occur prior to using the diaphragm and after intercourse.1 Vaginal irritation may be caused by silicone sensitivity or by the spermicide used and it is recommended that if vaginal irritation occurs, try using a different spermicide.1 It is important to note that most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9, which can become an irritant when used several times per day and by those with HIV, and can increase the risk of contracting HIV and/or other sexually transmitted diseases.1 If either UTI s or vaginal irritation become a concerning problem, speak with your health care provider.1 If you experience symptoms such as burning with urination, discomfort when diaphragm is in the vagina, irregular spotting or bleeding, genital irritation, red or swollen vulva/vagina, have any unusual vaginal discharge or have a high fever, it is important to speak with your health care provider.1,2 Written by Lori Smith BSN MSN CRNP

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Over two-thirds of Americans estimated to be overweight, obese

New estimates have revealed the extent of one of the biggest public health problems facing the US, as a research letter reports that more than two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Over the past 20 years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased in the US, the researchers state. The authors of the research letter, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, are Dr. Celexa (Citalopram Hydrobromide) with no Rx Graham A. Buy Tenoretic (Atenolol-Chlorthalidone) with no prescription Colditz and Lin Yang of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. About Super Avana (Avanafil with Dapoxetine) Louis, MO. Their paper describes an analysis of the most recent data taken from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES, 2007-12) to calculate the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Researchers had conducted a similar study around 20 years ago, analyzing data taken from 1988-1994 to work out the chronic disease burden associated with body mass index (BMI). Buy Aldara without Rx The findings of that study were used to inform clinical practice and prevention strategies. "Compared with 1988-1994, the distribution of the population s weight status has increased in the past 20 years," write the authors of the new research letter. Buy Urispas (Flavoxate Hcl) with free Rx "The rising trends in overweight and obesity warrant timely attention from health policy and health care system decision makers." In the new analysis, overweight was defined as a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9. Buy Black Seed Oil online Obesity was defined as a BMI of 30.0 and above and was divided into three different classes. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com BMIs of 30.0-34.9 were defined as class 1, BMIs of 35.0-39.9 were class 2 and BMIs of 40 and above were class 3. Data were obtained for 15,208 men and women aged 25 and above in a sample representative of over 188 million adults. The researchers estimated that around 36.3 million men (39.96%) and 28.9 million women (29.74%) were overweight, with around 31.8 million men (35.04%) and 35.9 million women (36.84%) obese. These findings make alarming reading when considering that overweight and obesity are associated with numerous chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. There is also a financial cost to the problem; the American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that obesity costs $190 billion each year in weight-related medical bills. Strategies to reduce modifiable risk factors are recommended Such is the scale of the problem that a Gallup Poll conducted in November 2013 found that obesity was considered to be the third most urgent health problem facing the US, behind cost and access but ahead of cancer and heart diseases, the two leading causes of death in the country. Dr. Donna H. Ryan - professor and associate executive director for clinical research at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge - suggests a number of possible triggers for the obesity epidemic. These suggestions include changes to sleep patterns, increased availability of food and more sedentary lifestyles fueled by the decreased physical demands of many jobs and increased "screen time" with the use of televisions, computers and smartphones. "Population-based strategies helping to reduce modifiable risk factors such as physical environment interventions, enhancing primary care efforts to prevent and treat obesity, and altering societal norms of behavior are required," state the authors. Dr. Ryan believes that society must learn to treat obesity as a disease rather than a consequence of a lack of willpower, becoming more accepting of people with the condition: "If you have not had a friend, family member or colleague who has struggled with their weight and particularly if you haven t tried to lose weight yourself, then it s easy for you to ascribe negative stereotypical traits to overweight and obese people. It s a lot like alcohol and drug addiction. Our society is more accepting of these conditions as a disease and less so for obesity." Previously, Medical News Today reported on a study finding that stepping on the scales daily and tracking the results on a chart is an effective way of losing weight and keeping it off. Written by James McIntosh

Monday, June 22, 2015

Anesthesia Business Consultants and Virginia Commonwealth University to Partner on Strategic Initiatives

JACKSON, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), a leading provider in billing and practice management for the anesthesia and pain management specialty, is pleased to announce its latest partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University, (VCU) Department of Anesthesiology to provide integrated practice management billing services. ABC entered into discussions with VCU to explore options to integrate VCU’s billing information into ABC’s proprietary practice management software, F1RSTAnesthesia. About Avalide (Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide) without prescription Effective September 1, 2015, ABC will begin receiving charge information from VCU. About Viagra Strips (Sildenafil Citrate) without Rx This data will be processed via F1RSTAnesthesia with its very sophisticated concurrency and reporting modules and returned to VCU’s GE-IDX system through a secure HL7 interface. Buy Viagra Super Active (Sildenafil Citrate) without prescription The data will then be finalized via VCU’s GE-IDX system, allowing VCU to bill claims out of their historical system, maintaining the look and feel of an internal process. “We are very excited to be working with Virginia Commonwealth University on this exciting, new project,” says Tony Mira, President and CEO of Anesthesia Business Consultants. Buy Acuitel “We see the integration of F1RSTAnesthesia into their billing process as an excellent way to allow them to provide the level of service they are known for, but expand their access to data and analytics. Viramune (Nevirapine) without prescription F1RSTAnesthesia is very powerful, and, as this project demonstrates, highly flexible and adaptable to client needs.” About Anesthesia Business Consultants Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), established in 1979, is the nation’s largest billing and practice management company dedicated to the complex and intricate specialty of anesthesia and pain management. Buy Artichoke online The heart of our perioperative suite of products is ABC’s proprietary practice management software F1RSTAnesthesia. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com Our newest tool is F1RSTClient, the premier client portal that allows clients’ secure and seamless access to ABC’s applications. F1RSTAnalytics, our powerful suite of dashboards and reports, provides “Insight at Your Fingertips” offering real-time data prowess and providing the data to aid in operating your anesthesia practice as an effective clinical organization and successful business. Our solutions provide accurate, prompt and complete billing and revenue cycle management. Our exclusive focus improves your cash flow and profitability. Visit ABC at: .anesthesiallc.com.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Potential type 2 diabetes drug found with new screening tool

The endoplasmic reticulum is a labyrinth-like, tubular structure inside cells that, among other things, synthesizes many of the building blocks of glucose metabolism, such as lipids and proteins. Buy Actos (Pioglitazone Hydrochloride) without Rx Now, thanks to a new drug screening tool they developed, scientists have discovered a new compound that acts on a key pathway inside the endoplasmic reticulum to potentially target the cause of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is a precursor of type 2 diabetes, in which cells do not respond to the hormone insulin, resulting in high blood sugar and a range of cell malfunctions that can damage the heart and blood vessels. The drug-screening tool is the work of a team at the Harvard T.H. About Zithromax Dispersible (Azithromycin) Chan School of Public Health in Boston, MA, and they call the potential antidiabetes compound azoramide. In a paper published in Science Translational Medicine, the team describes how the screening technology might also be able to identify other molecules that target the key pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum, which is thought to be involved in several other diseases, including cystic fibrosis, retinitis pigmentosa, Huntington s disease and Alzheimer s disease. Insulin resistance is a precursor of type 2 diabetes. Buy Brand Levitra (Vardenafil) without prescription It is a condition where, although the body is producing insulin - which cells need to convert glucose into energy - the cells do not respond to the hormone, resulting in high blood sugar and a range of cell malfunctions that can damage the heart and blood vessels. Insulin resistance occurs when the endoplasmic reticulum is stressed. This can happen, for instance, when a person becomes obese and the endoplasmic reticulum in their metabolic tissues, such as the pancreas, liver and fat tissue, can no longer keep up with the demand for protein and lipid production and become overwhelmed with nutrients. Study offers clinical solution to endoplasmic reticulum stress as driver of diabetes Researchers have known for some time that endoplasmic reticulum stress is a key driver of diabetes and metabolic disease, but until this study, efforts to translate that into clinically useful methods have not been very successful, says senior author G"okhan S. Buy Abamune with no prescription Hotamisligil, a professor of genetics and metabolism. In their paper, Prof. Buy Zocor (Simvastatin) with free prescription Hotamisligil and colleagues describe how they developed two complementary analytical procedures for monitoring the function of the endoplasmic reticulum in liver cells. Using this screening tool, they could directly measure chaperones - molecules that "supervise" and promote key processes in the endoplasmic reticulum, such as correct folding of proteins in 3D. Buy Age - Brown Spots online They could also measure how well the endoplasmic reticulum was folding the proteins. When the endoplasmic reticulum is stressed, the chaperones cannot keep up with the demand for new proteins and lipids. The team was able to show that under different types of endoplasmic reticulum stress, the compound azoramide protected cells from malfunctioning and death. And they also found that azoramide greatly improved blood glucose levels in obese mice and mice with type 2 diabetes. http://webmdreview.wordpress.com They showed this improvement was the result of two things: better functioning of insulin-producing beta cells and greater insulin sensitivity in tissues. They suggest one way that azoramide works is by increasing the number of chaperones in the endoplasmic reticulum. The team now plans to test the compound, and others with a similar effect, in human clinical trials. Azoramide could potentially protect retinal cells in retinitis pigmentosa While obesity is one cause of endoplasmic reticulum stress, there are others. For example, there is a genetic mutation that can lead to vision loss through endoplasmic reticulum stress in retinal cells. The disease where this happens is called retinitis pigmentosa. In a separate part of the study, the team showed azoramide could potentially protect retinal cells from this effect. Prof. Hotamisligil concludes: "These results show the broad potential for azoramide or drugs with similar functions targeted at the endoplasmic reticulum [ER]. ER dysfunction is implicated in many other disease processes such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington s disease, and Alzheimer s - which makes this novel screening strategy an exciting new tool that can be applied by multiple labs to discover new drug candidates for diseases that are linked to ER stress." The following short animation explains what happens when the endoplasmic reticulum becomes stressed, and the effect of azoramide. MNT also recently learned that obesity can trigger type 2 diabetes via the microbiome - the diverse colonies of bacteria that inhabit our bodies. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

What are the health benefits of barley?

Barley is a major cereal grain commonly found in bread, beverages, and various cuisines of every culture. It was one of the first cultivated grains in history and to this day has remained one of the most widely consumed grains in the entire world. Whole grain foods such as barley have quickly been gaining popularity over the past few years due to the various health benefits they provide. Whole grains are important sources of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are not found in refined or "enriched" grains. About Zithromax Dispersible (Azithromycin) Grains that have undergone the refining process have had components removed (specifically, the bran and germ), which also removes most of the fiber and nutrients naturally found in most grains. Buy Brand Levitra (Vardenafil) without prescription Choosing whole grains over their processed counterparts reduces the risk of several chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Buy Abamune with no prescription This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods. Buy Zocor (Simvastatin) with free prescription It provides a nutritional breakdown of barley and an in-depth look at its possible health benefits, how to incorporate more barley into your diet and any potential health risks of consuming barley. Contents of this article: Nutritional breakdown of barley Possible health benefits of consuming barley How to incorporate more barley into your diet Potential health risks of consuming barley Nutritional breakdown of barley Barley is commonly found in two forms: hulled and pearled. Buy Age - Brown Spots online Hulled barley has undergone minimal processing to remove only the inedible outer shell, leaving the bran and germ intact. http://webmdreview.wordpress.com Pearled barley has had the layer of bran removed along with the hull.

Pearl barley is by far the most popular form of barley in the US. However, hulled barley is higher in fiber and nutrition as the bran layer is left intact. Half a cup of hulled barley contains 326 calories, 11.5 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, 68 grams of carbohydrate and 16 grams of dietary fiber (64% of daily requirements). That same serving provides 3% of daily calcium needs, 18% of iron, 40% of thiamin, 15% of riboflavin, 21% of niacin, 15% of vitamin B6, 5% of folate, 30% of magnesium, 25% of phosphorus, 12% of potassium, 17% of zinc, 23% of copper, 50% of selenium and 90% of manganese needs. Beta-glucans are a type of fiber that is found in barley. Recently, beta-glucans have undergone extensive studies in order to determine their role in benefitting human health. They have been found to lower insulin resistance and blood cholesterol levels, thereby lowering the risk of obesity as well as providing an immunity boost.1 Possible health benefits of consuming barley Consuming plant-based foods of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like barley decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and overall lower weight. Blood pressure Maintaining a low sodium intake is essential to lowering blood pressure, however, increasing potassium intake may be just as important. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, fewer than 2% of US adults meet the daily 4,700 mg recommendation.4 In addition, potassium, calcium and magnesium (all present in barley) have been found to decrease blood pressure naturally.6 A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2006 concluded that "in a healthful diet, increasing whole grain foods, whether high in soluble or insoluble fiber, can reduce blood pressure and may help to control weight." Bone health The iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc in barley all contribute to building and maintaining bone structure and strength.5 The careful balance of the phosphate and calcium is necessary for proper bone mineralization - consumption of too much phosphorus with too little calcium intake can result in bone loss. Bone formation requires the mineral manganese, and iron and zinc play crucial roles in the production and maturation of collagen. Heart health Barley s fiber, potassium, folate and vitamin B6 content, coupled with its lack of cholesterol, all support a healthy heart. Barley is an excellent source of fiber, which helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease. A randomized, double-blind study from 2007 found that barley intake significantly reduced serum cholesterol and visceral fat, both of which are markers of cardiovascular risk. The beta glucan fiber found in barley lowers LDL cholesterol by binding to bile acids and removing them from the body via excretion. An intake of 3 grams of beta-glucans per day can lower blood cholesterol levels by 5%.1 In one study, those who consumed 4,069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared to those who consumed less potassium (about 1,000 mg per day).4 Vitamin B6 and folate, both present in barley, prevent the buildup of a compound known as homocysteine. When excessive amounts of homocysteine accumulate in the body, it can damage blood vessels and lead to heart problems. Cancer Selenium is a mineral that is not present in most foods but can be found in barley. It plays a role in liver enzyme function and helps detoxify some cancer-causing compounds in the body. Additionally, selenium prevents inflammation, decreases tumor growth rates and improves immune response to infection by stimulating production of killer T-cells.2 The fiber in barley not only supports heart health. Fiber intake from plant-based foods is also associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer. Beta glucan fiber has been found to stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells and prevent tumors from forming.1 Inflammation Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient in barley that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation.3 Digestion and regularity Because of its fiber content, barley helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract. Weight management and satiety Adequate fiber intake is commonly recognized as important factor in weight loss by functioning as a "bulking agent" in the digestive system. Fiber in the diet helps to increase satiety and reduce appetite, making you feel fuller for longer with the goal of lowering your overall calorie intake. On the next page we look at how to incorporate more barley into your diet and the potential health risks of consuming barley. 1 2 NEXT ▶